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Established in 2009,
The Buy-side Trading Community (BTC)
is now an unsponsored global social initiative for traders worldwide.
Buy-Side Testimonials

I can highly recommend K&K Global Consulting (K&KGC's) buy-side services. To have built such a unique business from scratch is highly admirable and to have done so with integrity and such a strong robust reputation. I have participated in a number of their private, exclusive debates, research reports and their new publication 'The Buy-side Perspectives' and thoroughly enjoyed the interaction and experience. Thank you to the team at K&KGC for all of your hard work and dedication to the buy-side trading community over the last 6 years.
- Christoph Hock, Head of Multi asset trading, Union Investments

The French ATF forums in which I took part, are very interesting forums during which the buy-siders can share their views and experiences on the main topics in a collaborative relationship. I especially like the format and the quality of the people in the audience, enabling efficient debates, well driven by Anita and Kristian. It’s also a good way to discuss about regulations, trading desk organisations, technology, as well as changes in the market structure, and how do we adapt to those inherent challenges.
- Yann Couellan, Head of Fixed Income Execution, AXA IM

It was my first year at the ATF and I was pleasantly surprised by the organisation, attendance and content of the conference. The round table discussions were the highlight where I found the content relevant, the agenda very flexible and driven from the participants which was a refreshing change.
- Gregg Dalley, Head of EMEA Trading, Schroders

The ATF Global Summit provides a great opportunity to discuss the main trading themes of the moment in a conducive and sensible forum and this was no exception. It was good to see such a strong group of Buy-side traders so engaged.
- David Miller, Head of EMEA Trading, Invesco UK

A really informative day with good interaction from all the buy-side that attended. Everyone had a lot to say which is sometimes rare at these type of conferences but not this one. Definitely one of the best ones and I’m glad I attended. Was well organised and the topics were very focused and to the point.
- Tony Russell, Head of Trading at Newton Investment Management Ltd

I liked the format which allowed us to debate the topics without too much presentation based content whilst keeping to a planned timetable... I would definitely recommend future forums to colleagues.
- Louis de Kock, Head of Trading, J O Hambro Capital Management Ltd

Another excellent ATF, jam-packed with content on the most relevant topics and issues currently faced by the buy-side industry across multiple asset classes – for the buy-side, shaped by the buy-side, and expertly organised and hosted by K&KGC and its sponsors. Highly informative and highly recommended.
- Dawn Le, Senior Trader, AXA Rosenberg

A most interactive forum comprising a wide range of investment firms which provides a valuable reading on what peers are thinking on key topics.
- Mark Northwood, ex Global Head of Equity Trading at Fidelity Worldwide Investors

The Alpha Trader Forum (ATF) is definitely an opportunity to exchange views between buy-sides in a restricted and informal format. Ideal number of participants to remain dynamic and interactive.
- Frederic Pons, Deputy Head, Equity Dealing Desk, Amundi

The topics were relevant and driven by the participants, moderated smoothly, and valuable in content. Technology is seamlessly integrated into the discussion. Questions and survey results are presented with clarity immediately, thus creating an excellent tool and resource in understanding the view point of your market peers on specific subjects. I look forward to the next event in Asia and will be sure to attend.
- Hugh Spencer, Regional Head of Trading at Janus Capital, Singapore

I have had the pleasure of attending both of the Asia Buy-side Forums hosted by K&KGC. The format is both informative and also thought provoking in discussion with fellow peers. The topic discussions are up to date and all relevant to the current industry talking points. I am looking forward to attending the next event hosted in Asia.
- Adam Cawston, Head of Asian Trading, JOHCM (Singapore) Pte Ltd

The Asia Buy-side Forum (ABF) is great event to reflect on topical issues, exchange ideas and opinions with peers, and stay up to date with the latest in industry trends. The review of K&K Global Consulting (K&KGC) surveys & buy-side industry reports (the company which operate this forum) makes for some interesting dialogue.
- Kent Rossiter, Head of Regional Asia Pacific Trading at Allianz Global Investors

Always an extremely well organised forum with high calibre attendees, informative guest speakers and a lively and open debate.
- Russell Penn, Global Equities Dealer, Newton Investment Management

I had the pleasure of working with Anita Karppi from the Alpha Trader Forum on the Nordic buy-side event. In the short span of 2 months she managed to set up a venue and get 15 heads of trading in from the Nordic region. It was a splendid event and some interesting discussions regarding Dark Pools, CSA, Market abuse Directive and Smart Order Routing. Many different viewpoints were expressed and many ideas for structural change suggested. It would be a pleasure to attend further forums like this one and I would be happy to attend.
- Jens Jacob Foged, ex Head of Trading, SparInvest, Denmark

After attending my second Alpha Trader Forum I clearly see that the purpose of this forum is proven. As a delegate working outside the UK it is very useful and interesting to meet for information, opinions and relevant thoughts. MiFID2 was on the agenda and after the session. I gained confidence in my opinions from a buy-side perspective. This will help my continuous work towards the local regulator addressing whatsimportant for us as a group in Europe. Thank you!
- Johan Erikson, ex Global Head of Trading DNB Asset Management, Sweden

The Alpha trader Forum (ATF) is a unique place where experts from Buy-side dealing desks can meet and share vision but also share their concerns. The agenda from the 1st Fixed Income ATF buy-side debate held in London in June 2013 was really interesting and would have probably required more time as there was so many topics to discuss We are all focused on our day to day dealing business and relationships with PMs and we have more and more constraints to cope with. The ATF provides us a chance to discuss and also to set a common position. The ATF would potentially become a "voice" to be heard by EU buy side Association and regulators… to create a more efficient market Great organization from ATF team and Anita.
- Franck Chatillon, CEO, Greenwich Dealing

The Alpha Trader Forum has proven to be a well put together forum, discussing current and relevant topics within a group of individuals who represent the firms involved in the day to day issues that affect buy side desks. I look forward to the next forum and being able to challenge some of the guest speakers who have been bought to this consultative forum to give "the other side" a voice.
- Daniel Riches, Equity Trader, M&G Limited, UK

September's Alpha Trader Forum (ATF) was informative and entertaining, hearing the varying views on HFT from industry experts in a private setting allowed for an open and honest debate. Highly recommended.
- Chris Sims, Ignis Asset Management, UK

The France Alpha Trader Forum's gives me the unique opportunity to express and listen to different points of view about our jobs in our specific French and European environment. It's always a pleasure to meet buy-side colleagues and the forum has become more and more useful. It's the best way to improve my knowledge on market structure and the quality of delegates give us the opportunity to create a network of people to be heard by regulator and/or different organizations. I look forward to the 4th France Alpha Trader forum. Thank you Anita for your organization and congratulations!
- Jean-Marie Rey, Head of Equity Dealing, CM-CIC Asset Management

I had the pleasure of joining the buy-side panel in the opening session of the Alpha Trading Forum Summit on 29th of January 2013. In my view trading environment is crowded with events led by vendors and sell-side firms that have eventually a pure commercial scope. I found that the Alpha Trading Forum is instead a unique opportunity to meet with peers and other firms from the buy-side, from hedge funds to small boutiques to large global asset manager, to openly debate on all hot topics and important developments that impact our business. The high calibre of all attendees, together with an extremely interesting and comprehensive agenda, makes the Alpha Forum a "must-attend" event for all Heads of Trading Desks and a unique opportunity to hear different viewpoints and look at the key topics of the day from many different angles. I look forward to attending future events and would like to thank Anita for the high quality work and the effort of putting such a successful forum together.
- Gianluca Minieri, Global Head of Trading, Pioneer Investments Management

I am a huge fan of Anita's work on running the Alpha Trader Forum. I have attended several forums and always find the content relevant, fresh and always adds to the knowledge base due to the make-up of the attendees and the way people are encouraged to be active at each event.
Anita is very professional in the run up to an event and very clear in communicating ideas and receptive to comments and observations. The events always run smoothly and the Alpha Trader partners are excellent choices in terms of their resourcing and what they offer to the market. Anita is always looking for additional ways to aid the buy-side and now offers more bespoke sessions for particular asset clsses and producing reports which collate the views of the buy-side on topical issues.
- Niall Coyne, Equity Dealer at Miton Group

The Alpha Trader Forum is a unique opportunity to meet with peers from all types of buy-side firms, from small boutiques, hedge funds, through to some of the largest global asset management firms. This gives a breadth and depth of knowledge which is unsurpassed within an open interactive environment. The latest European Summit was testament to the growth and recognition of the ATF throughout the industry, with knowledgeable influential attendee's, all of which were more than happy to debate and discuss some of the most important challenges facing both trading desks and the broader industry at present. I feel the ATF is rapidly becoming the must-attend event for heads-of-desks and, for me, is now a key event in the calendar to participate in professionally led discussions over the key topics of the day.
- Rob Paxton, Head of Trading, Risk & Performance, Veritas Asset Management

I recently attended the 5th London Alpha Trader Forum. The half day event was well organised, where the 25 buy-side traders from a variety of backgrounds, brought many diverse views. With the limited numbers of participants, the discussion was open and flowed easily, assisted by the Chairperson of the day.
The agenda included topical subjects such as Electronic trading, TCA and the guest speaker was able to provide insight into financial market regulators' thinking. All in all a forum I enjoyed immensely and would recommend to anyone looking to hear the ideas and views of experienced market participants.
- Richard Nelson, Head of Australia and Japan Equity Trading at T Rowe Price

The Alpha Trader Forum provides a professional and friendly opportunity to share views on topical subjects with peers as well as well-chosen sponsors.
- Mark Denny, Head of Trading, Investec Asset Management

The 3rd Alpha Trader Forum was dedicated to MiFID II. Having a well moderated, open and honest debate on this topic that will affect all delegates, proved to be very valuable. Being able to discuss the topics with the people directly involved and to hear the views of peers gives a much better understanding. I am happy the ATF made this possible and looking forward to future events.
- Vincent Mooijer, Head of Equity Trading, PGGM, The Netherlands.

Anita has built an enviable list of buy-side participants in her global events with participation by thought leaders from across the buy side spectrum. She understands the value of coming together in a neutral setting with the right amount of sponsored input. Certainly a must attend for investment firms which care about improving their practices and the industry.
- Mark Northwood, ex Global Head of Equity Trading, Fidelity International

The 1st Nordic Alpha Trader Forum gave me the unique opportunity to get a true picture of how my buy side colleagues work and what topics are important to them. Delegates were very outspoken even though sponsors from the sell side were in the room. The day was very insightful and I look forward to the next forum. Thank you!
- Tobias Welin, Head of Trading, Handelsbanken Asset Management, Sweden

The Alpha Trader Forum was an excellent opportunity to openly debate valid and topical subject matter with peers from a wide cross section of the buy-side industry. I would highly recommend the forum and look forward to attending future events.
- Simon Johnstone, Senior Trader, Sloane Robinson

I have attended two of the Alpha Trader Forums in London and see them as an invaluable way to debate with my buy side peers and other industry experts on the subjects that are relevant in today's ever changing market place. The event is extremely well managed by Anita and she consults with the buy side extensively before each event to establish what we feel are the most relevant topics we would like to discuss. Previous topics have included MiFID II, algorithmic trading and transaction cost analysis all of which are very much in focus at the moment. I look forward to attending future events and thank Anita for all her hard work putting the forum together.
- William Preston, Senior Dealer, Alliance Trust, Scotland

The Alpha Trader Forum is one of the most exclusive forums for investment Managers and traders. To have the opportunity to network in a confidential environment and to have access to a high level of expertise that is shared in the forum is an invaluable resource for the buy side to understand the market place. Chaired by renownedcapital market experts, it gives delegates efficient perceptions of today's investment challenges. It is a 'must attend' forum for the buy side.
- Victor Lebreton, Independent Director, Quant Hedge, France

The Alpha Trader Forum provides an excellent platform for discussion on issues of importanceto the buy side. What I find particulary useful is due to the broad range of buy side participants it is possible to gain a more holistic picture of how developments are viewed by the industry, rather than just your own particular sub sector, hedge funds in my case.
- Jeremy Wyatt, Trader, GLC Limited

The Alpha Trader Forum provides a lively venue in which real buy side market practitioners can give direct input to both policy makers and the sell side. The issues debated are topical and it provides a great space to exchange ideas as well as hear the views of other market practitioners. Many thanks.
- Alex Gracian, Former Head of Equity Portfolios at Gulf Investment Bank
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