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Established in 2009,
The Buy-side Trading Community (BTC)
is now an unsponsored global social initiative for traders worldwide.
K&KGC Alpha Trader Forum returns to the Nordics
Buy-side to gather in Copenhagen and Stockholm to discuss issues affecting equities and fixed income trading.
Buy-side firms in the Nordic region are invited to attend the 2016 Alpha Trader Forum Nordics, a one-day event hosted by K&K Global Consulting that will bring together senior heads of trading to discuss topics relevant to the asset management community in Denmark, Sweden and Norway.
The event will take place on Wednesday 9 March 2016 in Stockholm & Copenhagen.
K&KGC’s Alpha Trader Forum events were created specifically for the buy-side. The company’s closed-door, private events focus on roundtable discussion and interactive debate among senior heads of trading on the buy-side.
Areas up for discussion in the Nordics include how to pay brokers for execution, overcoming challenges in dark pools, new reporting practices under MiFID II, algorithmic trading and SOR, aggregation methodologies to address liquidity and regulation and pre-trade real time trading technologies, as well as a full afternoon of sessions focused specifically on fixed income.
For more information, please contact:
Anita Karppi
Managing Director
K&K Global Consulting
T: +44 (0) 203 411 3996
About K&KGC
K&KGC is a unique buy side consultancy which engages with senior buy-side heads of trading on a regular basis with research and roundtable debates on topics of their choice. The company organises private and exclusive the Alpha Trader Forum (ATF) and Asia Buy-side Forum (ABF) roundtable debates in equities, fixed income and foreign exchange in London, Stockholm, Copenhagen, Frankfurt, Paris and Singapore, Hong Kong, Boston and New York. K&KGC also produces the Buy side perspectives - news, research, rankings and awards based on buy-side input on key issues for the dealing desk and trading environment.